Thursday, August 6, 2009

Ahhhh 9th Grade

Tomorrow I am doing quite possibly the scariest thing in the entire world....driving a 15 passenger van full of youth kids to Carowinds. Not Paramounts Carowinds, though (who owns Carowinds now?? The Clock? Maurice's?) I can tell I am old b/c I've already thought about how much coffee I will need in the morning PLUS I've thought about all the shady spots in the park where I will sit all day.

I cant wait till the kids talk about how many times they rode the Borg Assimilator (wait...did they have to change the names of the rides?? Is it the Chilli Cheesburger Assimilator now? I hope so) and i talk about how many times I watched the ice skating show in the air conditioning.

We have front row seats to the Crowder/Leeland show, which will make tomorrows day of misery TOTALLY with it. I'm kidding - tomorrow shant be misery....there's a good chance I will ride the Drop Zone 25 times...with a penny on my knee!

1 comment:

Nic said...

I just now read this post. Hilarious. I laughed for a long time.

Remember that day that we were trying to hook up with those girls and Aunt Kitty almost killed us when she found us. We were trying to impress them by putting the pennies on our knees on the drop zone.

So worth it.