Monday, January 25, 2010

25 days of bliss?

I decided last year, around Christmas time, that it was time to get into shape. I may or may not have been wearing a jogging suit b/c none of my jeans would button.

Here's the deal...since I graduated college I have gradually gotten bigger. At this rate (25 lbs in 6 years) I will be on that show "Half Ton Dude" in a few years. I rarely, if ever, get self conscience about anything but I caught a glance of my double chin in a picture and I got a little Strong Sad.

Hence the 25 days of Bliss are upon us. I have drank only water, eaten tuna, walked/ran at least an hour most days, gotten 6-8 hours of sleep every night, started back at the gym, etc all month. It's been awful (compared to drinking 12 Cokes a day, staying up all night watching tv, and ordering wings and pizza @ 1 am most nights) but I feel terrific. I can tell I'm an old man b/c the weight isn't falling off super fast like it used to but those jeans are buttoning now. I'm down about 10 pounds (side college roommate, Robby Woodard, and I have a 20 lb slap bet during the month of January. We both have to lose 20 lbs or you get slapped in the face. There is no way on earth I can lose 20 lbs in 1 month. I wish I would've know this 25 days ago when I agreed to said slap bet.)

I have a reputation in the Burg for being a cheeseburger consuming, nap taking slob, which is well deserved. But oddly enough, my motivation has come from people scoffing when I tell them I'm running or working out. Most people give me until mid February (I need some better friends). The Ridings inside of me, which loves to prove everyone wrong and win, has kicked into gear. The slob is gone.

So this is what I need: I need you, whenever you see me, to laugh, point, make fun, and tell me I'll never make it....that is the only way I can sustain this lifestyle. This is the year of doing what I know is right. Being healthy is just one of the many things I am working on.

Bring it on, naysayers.


Kelley said...

I'm totally with you! I'm working on getting super hot as well as not drinking alcohol this year. My biggest motivator has been my turd co-workers who have placed bets on when i cave and go back to eating fried stuff and what not.

I will prove them wrong.

SO will you!!

Merissa said...

what kind of friends would be such naysayers...I gave you until March, because I am a real pal!!

Eunice Sneezefarts, J.D. said...

You're just putting off the inevitable. My bet: you'll be pounding 2-liters with Beacon-grease and nacho cheese dripping off your chin by Valentine's day.

Mary Mathis said...

hahahahaha. josh. i will be the one to laugh and point at you. i want you to do well and lose weight. as long as you keep wearing that fashion hat then i will laugh at you. good to hear you losing some weight. let me know how the slap goes.

Mary Beth Broadwater said...

Hi Josh - have you now had 79 days of bliss. Or were some predictions right, that you would cave by Valentine's Day or in March sometime. Keep it up if you are and if not, I hope this guilts you into healthy living again. :)

Josh Ridings said...

Mary Beth (and everyone else), the 79 days of bliss have been awesome. No Coke, no tea, working out, ran a 10k 2 weeks ago, eating salads and no fried food. Drinking's terrific. I dont feel like a sluggish land monster anymore. Also, I love that my friends have all lost their bets. I always win.