This past weekend Jennifer and I went to Memphis to watch the world end. (if you haven't heard, the world was predicted to end on May 21st at 6 pm according to your time zone...of course). I find it ironic that the day Bill Harritt gets married the world is supposed to end: we all have been saying that for years. I guess I can't talk...no one ever guessed Young Harritt and I would be married to actual girls.
The Eckstroms (Andrew and Florence) decided to drive (our wallets decided for us) and the Ridings hitched a ride with them. What should have been a rough, 10-12 hour trek ended up being one of the best parts of my weekend. You are guaranteed to giggle, party, and have an entire new vocabulary ("in essence", "probably should", and "you're right" were repeated upwards of 100 times) after 22 hours of exposure to Andy Ex.
But the weekend was terrific. Vitters, the Don, Robby, Trip, Terry, Jack, and Mike were all there as were about 500 other people. The wedding was super cool. The church,
2nd Pres, Memphis, was radical, the dudes were in rare form, and Bill's wife Janet is awesome.
Also, back in the 'burg, Laura Story led worship at HopePoint whilst I was away. That made my weekend pretty swell. If you haven't heard her new
CD, you "probably should". Thanks Andrew.
Anywho, Bill is the man. I've known him since that glorious day in the year 2000 when he hobbled into Public Speaking 101 with a torn ACL. My life has not been the same since. He and Janet are going to love being married to each other and I can't wait to party with them soon. Bill, keep it raspy and loud. I love you.