My good friend/ex-roommate/coworker/fellow laborer at Wofford, Philip Long, totally got married to Amber Green Long this past weekend. I've been to a lot weddings in my day but this one (also Bill's) was one of my favorites because I've know Philip for a long time. I've watched him grow from a 45 year old man to a 60 year old in his 4 years at Wofford. (i just made myself laugh).
When Jonathon Crowe transferred to UVA 4 years ago he gave me Philip's number and said he'd be great to work with at United, a ministry I help with at Wofford college. I was like, "a freshman...great". That "great" was totally sarcastic until I met him. Dude's the man. It takes about 5 seconds to realize that. His love for God was infectious. It still is. I loved the past 4 years of rocking with Philip. When he needed a place to live last summer he crashed at my place. He's also working at HopePoint this summer before he heads off to Gordon-Conwell in the fall (he's getting paid to go there...no big deal. Did i mention that Philip is a genius?).
One of the coolest things is that Philip looooooved this random pastor named David Platt. No one had ever heard of him...at least not in Spartanburg. Philip drove to Birmingham to go to Secret Church 3 years ago, which is a 6 hour worship service comprised mostly of teaching (i thought he was bonkers). But this year Secret Church was broadcasted online and he rented a room, bought tons of food, and got 50 people to come. I went and it was awesome. After 7 hours (it never ends on time) I wanted to hear more. So P Diddy, thanks for introducing me to Platt. You're neat.
Longshanks, I'm going to miss you. You're going to love being married. I'm so happy to know you. We're absolutely going on double dates with our babes this summer. Man, we are married...that's what I'm talking about.
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