Saturday, September 12, 2009

Am I That Old? Yes.

I went to the free Matt Wertz concert a couple nights ago in Spartanburg. It was mostly high school/college girls and college guys hitting on those girls. Then there was me...the 30 year old creepy guy on the front row singing every word to every song.

I went alone (b/c all my friends were in bed or at home doing their taxes) and I met up with some dudes and dudettes I know from Wofford and HopePoint, or whatever. The highlight of my night was when I was talking to a dude who plays guitar at his church and he answered a question, "yes, sir". I laughed so hard I think I scared him. He offered me a wheelchair later also which was kinda weird. I accepted b/c my legs hurt from all that standing.

It was a great evening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

josh ridings
you are my favorite and you crack me up
i just realized i had been missing out on your blog so now its a quick link so i forever will check your hilarious posts :)

--Mary Mathis