"Hey, Aaron is that animal chewing his cud and also is his hoof cloven in 2? I hope so b/c I'm starving."
Friday, December 2, 2011
Deuteronomy 14
I wonder if Moses ever went hiking back in the day and got super hungry because he forgot to pack his Nature Valley bars and all he kept coming across were rock badgers, nighthawks, and storks. Man! Can't a guy just run across an addax or a clean winged thing?
Monday, August 22, 2011
Monday Confessions
I don't like frisbees. throwing them, catching them, holding them. nothing. I am useless at most Christian ministries till the kinda-long-haired-guy decides to impress the freshman girls and gets out his slightly out-of-tune acoustic guitar. Then I'm in my element but the aforementioned kinda-long-haired-guy is mad b/c his scheme failed and he attracted a 30 year old man instead.
Monday, August 15, 2011
2 Fun Worship Concerts
Last week I went to the Hillsong United worship concert in Greenville and it was pretty radical. They rocked as always. I really enjoy their use of lights, sound, scripture, and instruments to usher in the Spirit of God. It truly was an awesome night of true worship. THEN, last night I was invited to come to the HopePoint Youth Band practice. I believe their official name is Captain Megaphone and the Broadcast Funships.
Just between you and me...I figured they would be okay. I've heard my fair share of youth bands in my day and they have a similar sound - loud, off-key nontogetherness rocking. (Most of the youth bands I have heard are pretty sure they're going to be asked to open for Hillsong next time they come through town.) But I was wrong. 100% wrong. During the first song I forgot I was listening to 6-12th graders b/c I was worshipping. They are very good. Not because they are the greatest musicians on earth but b/c they are simple and humble and sing on key and don't try to do too much. It was a sweet night. I felt proud of them and proud of Willy, Rachel, and Stu who have worked very hard to start and train this band. These students know music, know their instruments, know how to sing...and (unless they were faking it) they know God and know what leading worship is about.
I was, and still am, blown away. I have been praying and asking the Lord that I would have the same heart and attitude that I saw last night. The youth are leading worship this Sunday morning and I know the church will be in good hands.
HopePoint Set List 8.14.11
Glory To God - Fee
You Are the One - Josh Ridings Band
The Greatness of Our God - Hillsong
You Hold Me Now - Hillsong United
Jesus Paid It All - Passion/Nifong/Traditional
Thursday, July 7, 2011
HopePoint Set List 7.3.11
Search My Heart - Hillsong United
Our God - Chris Tom Tom
Christ is Risen - Matt Maher
Desert Song - Hillsong United
You Hold Me Now - Hillsong United
btw, have I said what an amazing band we have at HopePoint? They love the Lord and love leading worship so much it's ridiculous. The fact that they're all really good helps too.
There was a new guitar player named Bill, in case you were wondering. It was stange seeing someone move whilst playing since Shag is a statue. (did i just compare shag to a Tanooki Suit??)
I am old
There is so much I want to write about...Alaska, turning 30, getting stung by a bee last night (ouch)...but I don't have time. Well, technically I just wrote about those things. I have to go.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
HopePoint Set List 6.19.11
Hosanna - Hillsong
Cannons - Phil Wickham (Rachel led this one..she was awesome)
All Creatures - David Crowder Band
I Will Rise - Chris Tomlin
Monday, June 6, 2011
Everyone Needs To Have A Yard Sale
If you want to be incredibly happy/tired/amazed/rich then you need to have a yard sale. First, where do these people come from? It's like they can smell junk...I mean, merchandise, from miles away. Waking up at 5:30 am on a Saturday was totally worth it. Not only did we get rid of tons of stuff but we got money for it! I would've thrown it all away or given it to Goodwill...now we can pay for Jennifer's class at Spartanburg Community OR buy an iPad?? Eh? Which one is wiser? Ipad, of course. (Jennifer may punch me if I mention an ipad again).
Speaking of Jennifer, she was an excellent addition to the Ridings family. I am pretty glad we got married. She is terrific. We giggled all morning at the stuff that sold..old tvs, broken end tables, 98ยบ Cd, Dave Matthews poster...just to name a few items. I was amazed that we barely had anything left. People are savages at yard sales. You seriously need to have one just for the experience.
I met a lot of my neighbors. The highlight of my morning was when an old guy who lives down the street asked if we had just moved in. Jennifer said "yes, I just moved in" and he thought we were new to the neighborhood. I've lived there for 3 years with a bunch of dudes and we were slobs. He went on to say that "the guy who used to live here parked cars in the yard, had an ugly trailer sitting in the front yard, didn't have any grass or bushes...this place looked terrible!" He congratulated me on my yard and cleanliness and asked what happened to the previous owner and I, of course, told him he died. I am SO glad Willy and Gene (my old roommates) were standing there because we laughed for about 30 minutes once he left.
I love my neighborhood. I also love yard sales. I wasn't looking forward to it at all but it was hilariously awesome. You need to have one. You will meet some raaaaaandom people. You also will get sunburnt. But it's well worth it.
HopePoint Set List 6.5.11
Glory To God - Fee
Starry Night - Chris August
Before the Throne - Shane and Shane
Amazing Grace - Chris Tomlin
I Cry Out - Josh Ridings Band
I thoroughly enjoyed Willy playing mandolin on Amazing Grace. Twas hot.
Monday, May 30, 2011
HopePoint Set List 5.29.11
Everlasting God - Tomlin
Come Ye Sinners - Robbie Seay
Because of Your Love - Phil Wickham
I Surrender All/Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
Little Philly

My good friend/ex-roommate/coworker/fellow laborer at Wofford, Philip Long, totally got married to Amber Green Long this past weekend. I've been to a lot weddings in my day but this one (also Bill's) was one of my favorites because I've know Philip for a long time. I've watched him grow from a 45 year old man to a 60 year old in his 4 years at Wofford. (i just made myself laugh).
When Jonathon Crowe transferred to UVA 4 years ago he gave me Philip's number and said he'd be great to work with at United, a ministry I help with at Wofford college. I was like, "a freshman...great". That "great" was totally sarcastic until I met him. Dude's the man. It takes about 5 seconds to realize that. His love for God was infectious. It still is. I loved the past 4 years of rocking with Philip. When he needed a place to live last summer he crashed at my place. He's also working at HopePoint this summer before he heads off to Gordon-Conwell in the fall (he's getting paid to go there...no big deal. Did i mention that Philip is a genius?).
One of the coolest things is that Philip looooooved this random pastor named David Platt. No one had ever heard of him...at least not in Spartanburg. Philip drove to Birmingham to go to Secret Church 3 years ago, which is a 6 hour worship service comprised mostly of teaching (i thought he was bonkers). But this year Secret Church was broadcasted online and he rented a room, bought tons of food, and got 50 people to come. I went and it was awesome. After 7 hours (it never ends on time) I wanted to hear more. So P Diddy, thanks for introducing me to Platt. You're neat.
Longshanks, I'm going to miss you. You're going to love being married. I'm so happy to know you. We're absolutely going on double dates with our babes this summer. Man, we are married...that's what I'm talking about.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
William Loyle Harritt Is Hitched

This past weekend Jennifer and I went to Memphis to watch the world end. (if you haven't heard, the world was predicted to end on May 21st at 6 pm according to your time zone...of course). I find it ironic that the day Bill Harritt gets married the world is supposed to end: we all have been saying that for years. I guess I can't talk...no one ever guessed Young Harritt and I would be married to actual girls.
The Eckstroms (Andrew and Florence) decided to drive (our wallets decided for us) and the Ridings hitched a ride with them. What should have been a rough, 10-12 hour trek ended up being one of the best parts of my weekend. You are guaranteed to giggle, party, and have an entire new vocabulary ("in essence", "probably should", and "you're right" were repeated upwards of 100 times) after 22 hours of exposure to Andy Ex.
But the weekend was terrific. Vitters, the Don, Robby, Trip, Terry, Jack, and Mike were all there as were about 500 other people. The wedding was super cool. The church, 2nd Pres, Memphis, was radical, the dudes were in rare form, and Bill's wife Janet is awesome.
Also, back in the 'burg, Laura Story led worship at HopePoint whilst I was away. That made my weekend pretty swell. If you haven't heard her new CD, you "probably should". Thanks Andrew.
Anywho, Bill is the man. I've known him since that glorious day in the year 2000 when he hobbled into Public Speaking 101 with a torn ACL. My life has not been the same since. He and Janet are going to love being married to each other and I can't wait to party with them soon. Bill, keep it raspy and loud. I love you.
Monday, May 16, 2011
HopePoint Set List 5.15.11
Hosanna - Hillsong
Come Thou Fount
Forever Reign/Inside Out - Hillsong
Rob played a cajon (pronounced kuh - hon) yesterday. It was hot.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Mother's Day
Yesterday was a terrific Mother's Day. Being married is great for 10 million reasons but one of those is the crock pot. Jennifer cooked and baked and my parents and my sister, brother-in-law, nieces, and nephew came over. My house is no longer a frat house. It is filled with pillows and curtains and fancy plates, which is awesome. I fell like a real person. It is fantastic.
We sat around the table and talked and we reminisced about last Mother's Day. It was hard on our family b/c Heather was pregnant with Evie, who was diagnosed with HLHS, which means she only has half a heart. It was super scary but now, after 2 heart surgeries, she is a healthy, hilarious 1 year old (almost). On the way to church yesterday Heather was getting a little emotional as the thought about the past year and the following conversation ensued:
Heather: Kids, I love being your mommy. The Lord is so good to us. I love you very much. (probably with tears)
Katie Hays (who is 3): you look like a chicken nugget
Heather: Ummm, thanks?
Katie Hays: oh I wasn't talking to you, Mommy, I was talking to Evie
I love my family.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
HopePoint Set List 5.8.11
Search My Heart - Hillsong United
Forever Reign - Hillsong Live
Before the Throne - Shane and Shane
The Greatness of Our God - Hillsong Live
The One Who Saves - Hillsong Live
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