Possibly the coolest person on earth. She came by today to do the Harlan swap at my house, the midpoint of Boiling Springs and Greenville, of course. While she was here she cleaned my room. I don't know if this is awesome or embarrassing. All I know is my room is clean and that is awesome. I dont mind washing clothes but I do mind folding and putting them away. It is weird to have clothes in my drawers and closet. They're supposed to be on my couch and floor, duh. (I am listening to Michael Buble right now and you got to watch out with that guy. He'll throw a song like "Home" at you and you'll be totally feeling it then some terrible song with horns will play next and completely ruin the mood. I am convinced he has 2 good songs. Back to Mom.)
When Harlan got here he and I partied in the front yard then he followed me inside, walking right past Mom who was trying to talk to him. I am pretty sure Harlan was saying "guitar" or "uncle Josh is the man" and Mom said "What am I....invisible?". It was hilarious. Freida, the answer when Ron or I are around is "yes, you are invisible".
The reason for this post about Ora Al'Freida Morris Ridings (yep) is that I realized this afternoon that I got mom's gene for not liking a song when you first hear it...at all. I went to a Jesus thing once where Chris Tomlin was leading worship and he had just written "How Great is Our God". I think it was the first time he played it ever. After it was done, I was like, "that song is no good. Try again.". 17 Dove awards and Songwriter of the Year later I admit I wasn't completely correct. I do not like a song ever after the first time I hear it. Neither does Mom. Let me tell you how I know this.
I wrote a couple of songs this week with my friend J Crowe and I haven't played them for anyone yet. So since Harlan loves the guitar and I think this one song is really good, I played it for them. I always am nervous to play a new song for people: that feeling will never go away. So I played it and when it's done Mom says, "No Bridge? You know what you ought to do..." then she preceded to tell me what I should do. Luckily when the Morris-Ridings gene converged it created the toughest skinned person around when it comes to criticism (some things still make me cry but I will not tell you what they are; I have a reputation to uphold.)
But I love Mom and agree, the song needs a bridge. I was already working on one. One thing I have learned very recently - Not everyone is going to like your stuff. Plus lots of crappy art gets really famous. So who is to say what's good or not? I personally think "Moondance" by Van Morrison is the worst song I have ever heard. If Shag walked into my room and told me he wrote a new song and played that I would tell him to try again.
Not every song I write is going to be good. How many CDs have you bought and loved every song? Not many. I think if you are a song writer, painter, writer, or whatever, you should keep making your art regardless of what people think. You shouldn't be afraid to play a song for your friends or Mom (Mom thinks I am the man so don't think she is mean. She rules. It's b/c of her that I love music. Plus the song I played her is pretty darn good. I will not invite her to the Grammys next year). If you are no good, you will get better. If you are good, you will make a lot of people happy. Seriously, if people like Metallica and Celine Dion can make it big, anyone can. Keep plugging along. Who knows how close you are to your "Every Rose Has Its Thorn". Yuck.
Update: If you don't know Freida Ridings you need to. It'll make your life complete. She hangs out at the main branch on the Post Office in Spartanburg. Ask for her by her code name, Friendly Freida Freestyle.
My least favorite song of all time? Love Shack by The B-52s. Horrible. "Oh but it's such a catchy song." Bull crap. You know who else they said was catchy? Satan. And we see how that turned out.
Also Freida is the coolest.
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