So it's been a while since I have posted and that is because I have slept in my bed a grand total of 4 nights in the past four weeks (I just made all those numbers up because I didn't feel like actually thinking). Since the last post I have been to Litchfield, Charleston, Columbia, Atlanta, Columbia again, Atlanta again, and Columbia a third time.
What have I been doing you ask? I decided to actually go see all the friends that I have been saying I want to see for the past 5 years and it has been glorious. I have slept in many guest bedrooms, beach houses, floors, and my car (while driving...don't worry I have cruise control so I still made good time). Shag and I finished our EP as well and we came up with a band name - VerseChorusVerse. I like it.
On my travels I figured out some stuff. I can't really think of anything but I am sure it was pretty profound. I think I was going through a midlife crisis before I put 4,000 miles on the Polar Bear (97 Tahoe....hott). I think I needed a break from Spartanburg...I needed to rest. I needed to actually pray and sing...for fun, not b/c i was "supposed" to. And I did. I have hung out with some wise older business men, some very dear friends, my family, some strange bums on the street, my college roommates (who are still awesome), guys who I know that lead worship, friends from an old camp where i worked one summer...and lots more and I realized that God has surrounded me with some awesome people.
I am so covered in the grace of God and His favor that it is impossible to miss. I have the world's best job. I would not be happy doing anything else. I love people and I love music and I am learning how to love God better. This has been a neat but strange season. I am experiencing a new kind of tired. I have 2 more long trips planned where I'll be leading worship then I am taking some time off. Or I will drive to Chicago to see Tim and Bonnie.....then I will rest.
I look forward to handing out the EP this fall, hopefully playing lots of music, writing more, and hanging out at United on Tuesday nights. I am thanking God for this city, for Hope Point, for His Favor, and for choosing me specifically to do exactly what I am doing - leading people to the Cross of Christ through conversations, laughter, and music.
I am learning to be quiet and rest in the Lord, knowing that He has a plan for me, and it has been great.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Vote Please
I asked my friend Chris to do some headshots for me and this is what he did. I need your help voting on your 2 top favorites. Be helpful; tell me which ones you like, why you like them, and why you don't like the other 2. You can't hurt my feelings....i mean, look at me. If you've got it, you have to flaunt it. Also, don't be jealous that you don't have little music notes coming out of your guitar...I'm a professional.
These are for a website and also for promo when I play places that ask for a picture.



These are for a website and also for promo when I play places that ask for a picture.




Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Family Stick Figures
You know those ridiculous family stick figures that are on every mini van and SUV? They tell you how many kids that person has and what gender they are and how many pets they own...b/c everyone on the road cares so much, I promise. I saw a little stick figure sitting in a wheel chair the other day which was just weird. But you know what type I havent seen yet...and I think they will sell pretty well....
The stick figure of a single guy with his hands out in front of him...kinda saying "I don't know why there aren't 3 car seats in my car" or "I am always alone" and maybe a little tear rolling down his cheek. Also, his head could be hung in shame/sadness.
How great would this be? While everyone is boasting of their great families and dogs (who boasts of pets?) we will ride around with a sticker of ourselves sitting at home on a Friday night playing Wii b/c we can't get a date. (Man, that's another great idea for a sticker)
Some friends and I came up with idea on the way to Atlanta last week. We were checking out the babes driving down the freeway (this is what my life has become as a 27 year old male who did not meet his significant other in college like the rest of the world) when all of the sudden we see her stick figure sticker of her hot husband....even the stick figure seemed to have nice muscles and more money than me. Then we all realized that we are old losers and we laughed about our sad sticker.
So, anyone out there who is an awesome graphic designer please make this sticker for me. There is a huge market for it in Spartanburg.
The stick figure of a single guy with his hands out in front of him...kinda saying "I don't know why there aren't 3 car seats in my car" or "I am always alone" and maybe a little tear rolling down his cheek. Also, his head could be hung in shame/sadness.
How great would this be? While everyone is boasting of their great families and dogs (who boasts of pets?) we will ride around with a sticker of ourselves sitting at home on a Friday night playing Wii b/c we can't get a date. (Man, that's another great idea for a sticker)
Some friends and I came up with idea on the way to Atlanta last week. We were checking out the babes driving down the freeway (this is what my life has become as a 27 year old male who did not meet his significant other in college like the rest of the world) when all of the sudden we see her stick figure sticker of her hot husband....even the stick figure seemed to have nice muscles and more money than me. Then we all realized that we are old losers and we laughed about our sad sticker.
So, anyone out there who is an awesome graphic designer please make this sticker for me. There is a huge market for it in Spartanburg.
A Tree Top Bible Blast
That's right...if you wanted to find me 2 weeks ago you needed to look no further than the rainforest adventure....aka the weirdest Vacation Bible School ever. Well, maybe they're all weird since I am not 9 years old.
First Pres in Spartanburg hired me to play the "theme" songs which were the songs that were written just for this summers Rainforest theme. It included such hits as "Be Happy In Your Faith", "First!", and the title track "RainForest Adventure" (a tree top Bible blast, rainforest adventure living life together in Christ, every tree in the forest will join in the chorus and sing to the's a rainforest adventure, a tree top Bible BLAST! Sorry, that song will be in my head [and my roommate's heads] forever).
Another Lady named Dottie, who turned out to be the coolest person ever, had the joy of leading the "fun" "The Noble Duke of York" and "Milk, Milk, Milk...Drink That Milk". Those songs will also be in my head for eternity. But at least the kids new those songs and got to jump around and be silly.
Now I am not knocking First Pres, I am knocking the VBS company who came up with this theme. Did you know that there is a company who comes up with this stuff and every church in America buys the package? Seriously...Christians make sooooooo much money off of junk it is ridiculous. But that's a totally different subject. I have a dream....
It is to quit my job leading worship and focus on writing Kids Songs. I would become an instant millionaire (or I would starve b/c apparently kids love terrible songs). Dottie and I joked that we should write songs for VBS and have every kid in America singing our stuff. That's the secret....Hannah Montana knows what I am talking about.....get the kids into it and you are golden. Concerts, action figures, clothing, movies, TV Series....I am going for it all. Look out LifeWay or VBS Place or whomever is responsible for this trash....for I have spoken.
In all honesty I had a great time with the kids. It took them a few days to get comfortable with me and Dottie but it was fun and they sang well and First Pres did an awesome job with the whole week. I just wished that people cared about music as much as they should. The songs were not good. They were cheesy, nerdy, and terrible all at the same time. I think they had to try to make them that bad.
So if anyone out there would like to hear "Rainforest Adventure" please yell it out the next time I am leading worship....i think i could seamlessly go into it from "How Great Is Our God".
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