That's right...if you wanted to find me 2 weeks ago you needed to look no further than the rainforest adventure....aka the weirdest Vacation Bible School ever. Well, maybe they're all weird since I am not 9 years old.
First Pres in Spartanburg hired me to play the "theme" songs which were the songs that were written just for this summers Rainforest theme. It included such hits as "Be Happy In Your Faith", "First!", and the title track "RainForest Adventure" (a tree top Bible blast, rainforest adventure living life together in Christ, every tree in the forest will join in the chorus and sing to the's a rainforest adventure, a tree top Bible BLAST! Sorry, that song will be in my head [and my roommate's heads] forever).
Another Lady named Dottie, who turned out to be the coolest person ever, had the joy of leading the "fun" "The Noble Duke of York" and "Milk, Milk, Milk...Drink That Milk". Those songs will also be in my head for eternity. But at least the kids new those songs and got to jump around and be silly.
Now I am not knocking First Pres, I am knocking the VBS company who came up with this theme. Did you know that there is a company who comes up with this stuff and every church in America buys the package? Seriously...Christians make sooooooo much money off of junk it is ridiculous. But that's a totally different subject. I have a dream....
It is to quit my job leading worship and focus on writing Kids Songs. I would become an instant millionaire (or I would starve b/c apparently kids love terrible songs). Dottie and I joked that we should write songs for VBS and have every kid in America singing our stuff. That's the secret....Hannah Montana knows what I am talking about.....get the kids into it and you are golden. Concerts, action figures, clothing, movies, TV Series....I am going for it all. Look out LifeWay or VBS Place or whomever is responsible for this trash....for I have spoken.
In all honesty I had a great time with the kids. It took them a few days to get comfortable with me and Dottie but it was fun and they sang well and First Pres did an awesome job with the whole week. I just wished that people cared about music as much as they should. The songs were not good. They were cheesy, nerdy, and terrible all at the same time. I think they had to try to make them that bad.
So if anyone out there would like to hear "Rainforest Adventure" please yell it out the next time I am leading worship....i think i could seamlessly go into it from "How Great Is Our God".
1 comment:
yes, I agree that they are awful. I regret letting you give that CD to Archie because he wants to listen to it all the time. Give him one of your CDs and let's get him listening to something good.
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