Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Let Me Tell You

Let me tell you about the greatest thing ever is the Nintendo Wii. I have always disliked gaming systems - all of them - b/c Ron and Frieda would never buy me one as a kid (prolly cause I was about 100 pounds overweight my entire childhood). But it is a proven fact that if you do not grow up playing video games you will never be good at them ever. Contra - awful, Mario Cart - terrible, FIFA - couldn't be worse, NBA Jams - stinky, Halo - shouldn't even try.....then there's the Wii. I am awesome. It is a dream come true (literally, I used to dream that I had a Nintendo hidden in my closet when I was a was a reoccurring dream that always left me depressed). My roommate bought the Wii last week and I have been pretty much glued to the TV every free second i have had. The highlight of my video gaming life came yesterday when I finally hit 10 homers out of 10 tries. It may have been the greatest feeling I have ever had. I now know how all of my hotshot friends felt throughout my childhood as they destroyed me in every single video game I ever tried to play. I can't even count how many times i've heard "Finish Him" (anyone?? Mortal Combat).

So I dare anyone to challenge me in some baseball or cow racing. It will be on. I have spent lots of sweaty, tiring evenings becoming the man (who would've ever guessed that you'd get out of breath and sore after playing Nintendo?). I don't know if this makes me extremely nerdy or not...frankly I do not care what you think. You are just sad that I am better than you. Nightwagon, OUT!

1 comment:

The Madden said...

Remember that time at the Compound when you beat Bricker at that NCAA football game? Then you started laughing in his face. Then he got so pissed that he slammed the controller down, stood up and punched a hole in wall. Boy, was that an overreaction or what? I seem to think that he may have been going through some things at that particular time.