Sunday, April 27, 2008

Letter #2

Letters, we've got letters, we've got stacks and stacks of letters. Letterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs. Okay. This is thing #2: I think I am hilarious. I really do. Lots of times I can barely finish a story I am telling b/c I am laughing so hard....also, lots of times no one else is laughing. I have no idea why b/c I am hilarious. Here are some examples:

  • My friend Ben was here last night and we all went to bed. We told him to lock the door when he left then I thought about how weird it would be to wake up this morning with the door wide open and a raccoon sitting in our lazy boy reading the paper. (actually Scratch WaterHorse said this but I am hilarious for stealing it and using it as my own material).
  • DayTrain and I were driving around town the other day and saw an Acme Grocery Store. We talked about how this is where the coyotes in our town buy explosives, rockets, roller skates, parachutes, etc....(actually that is combo #1) chase down the roadrunner problem running rampant in Spartanburg. I laughed so hard I almost wrecked.
  • I hear that USC is requiring all students to have laptops for class now. I thought about how if I was still there I would refuse to spend $1000 on a new laptop and I would carry around a huge desktop everywhere I went. Can you imagine me carrying around a tower, screen, keyboard, mouse, tons of wires, and extension chord? I would be all sweaty and noisy as I set up my rig for every class. Oh man that would be awesome.

I just wanted to let you know that if I get stranded on a deserted island I would be okay b/c I would be laughing the entire time. Except for when I was crying, you know, b/c it's a deserted island.

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