Friday, April 18, 2008

My Week

How is it Friday? What have I done? I'll tell you what I've done: I hung out with 2 85 year old men yesterday as they ground up 35 stumps in my yard. It was hilarious. The tree crew left (who I saw again this morning at Waffle House so we ate together....i love life) and these 2 geezers show up to grind up all the stumps. I don't know if you are familiar with stump grinding but it is rather laborious. Old men should be fishing for crappy at Lake Greenwood not doing back breaking work. But these 2 characters decided to do both. They fished till 3 am then showed up at my place at 10 to work. They were like 2 college guys just slower and wrinklier. Everytime I looked up they were sitting down or smoking or leaning against the house, which I loved since I was paying them per stump.

They looked exactly like me and Jeff Vitters in 50 years. One guy was tall and skinny and the other guy was short and fat and wore suspenders. But they did a great job and my back yard looks like Augusta National.

Also this week we got a maid. I am sitting in the cleanest house in America. That was the smartest decision I have ever made. I can do may things but cleaning a house is not on that list. I like to sit on the couch and eat chips and talk about the maid while she's in the room as if she cannot hear me...."Hey Shag, the help is doing a great job". That would be a standard sentence you may hear when she's there.

So that's it. The house and yard and getting worked on, I played the guitar a lot this week, and I am working out at 6 am most days. Oh yeah, Shag and I are working on some solo stuff together. We hope to finish up this weekend. We have been writing some songs about Jesus lately and I think they are really good but I could be biased. I'll post them somehow once they are done. I would say on a scale from 1 to 10 this week would be a giraffe. Goodbye.

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