Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hey Jeremi

I think there is only one person who reads this blog and his name is Jeremi. I don't know why I included that opening sentence...let me start over: Hey Jeremi, how's teaching? (So if you have accidentally stumbled upon this blog I don't want you to be confused - it will now just be a conversation between Jeremi and me.)

Jeremi, when you said I should advertise what does that mean? Is it socially acceptable to go around talking about your blog? That's like going around talking about how much you work out or how much money you have in the bank. Wait...I do both of those all the time. 6 times a day and at least $70,000 in petty cash.

Do you remember all the awesome cars you had in college? I reminisce about the first time you gave me a ride home from the GMP in that huge, old blue car that had HUGE subs in the trunk. I thought you were so mysterious. We listened to Kid Rock. It was one of the best days of my life. Then remember how we never had any dates ever? We pretty much hung out with each other every night.

Then remember when you had that birthday party recently and I spat on a dog when you dropped the line from Hustle and Flow? That was a good party. Well, thats about all I've got. I hope to see you Thursday night. Will you help me pass the word along about my blog? I want a writing deal to come out of this. Thats really the only reason I'm doing it. Until we get our 2nd reader I'll just continue to have conversations with you. Which is fine b/c I love you. Tell Walter I said Hello.


The Madden said...

Hello Joshua. Giddy says Hi. I was just walking and thinking the other day about all the crazy times we had. Like blowing up walls, throwing sausage, getting in fistfights, failing Finance twice (wait that was just me), having random people lead worship times in the Compound, Gallon Challenge, betting down at the track, getting in deep with the mob, having full conversations in Italian, crashing field day at Rosewood Elementary, slow-dancing with the Zip Sheet guy between classes, comparing apples to oranges (who does that? no one, that's who.), attending feminist meetings, telling OJ the truth and last but not least, making sure old people don't get wet during rainstorms. Maybe only some of those things actually happened. Anyway as I was thinking about these things, I started to cry and realized that we didn't have any fun at all. It was kind of boring. That is all. Have a fabulous day!

Robby said...

I'm hurt. I want a post about me, your 2nd reader. Do it or you will find cold, uncooked hot dogs in your bed at night.

Nic said...

Hey...wait a minute...I read this thing too. Can I be reader #3?

Anonymous said...



Kelley said...

#5, homie! hey... 5 is alot of friends to some people.


ps. late night Waffle House made my trip complete. as did the Vegas story.

The Reads said...

Josh, you know that reading your blog gets me through the day. I've probably told more people to check out your blog than I've told to play Upward. That should say something.