Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Yay Olympics

Well, look who it is...it's me. I am at the beach this week with my family and pretty much every thing that happens feels like an SNL skit because it is so ridiculous. Anyone who has not gone on a week-long vacation with their family when they're 27 is really missing out. I mean...who doesn't want to turn a 4 hour trip into a 10 hour excursion? And in true Ron and Freida fashion they borrowed a conversion van (yes, a conversion van....ground effects, extra tall top...the works). 18 wheelers are getting out of the way of this thing. Respect.

It's only Tuesday and I have about 1000 things I need to write about but my favorite thing so far happened last night as we were watching the Olympics. It was about 10 pm and men's gymnastics was on (side note: I am all about sports that are practical - like running really fast, or swimming, or whatever - they can come in handy if you're being robbed or attached by a shark but when in the world are you ever going to need to run like an 11 year old girl, bounce off a pummel horse, then do a triple sow cow onto a mat? Weirdos)

Where was I? Oh yeah, favorite thing. Whilst watching the male gymnasts, Kevin said one of the guys was fat....then we go on to talk about how terrible he did in his event (i think he won gold). But it was hard to hear what was being said b/c we were devouring ice cream, cheez its, 2 bags of chips, and drinking Coke (I had a chip on my face where I had tried to dump tons of chips in my mouth at once....I saw it later that night when I was brushing my teeth). I could barely hear what was being said due to the chewing and bags rustling about.

We realized how ridiculous we were and had a huge laugh. Then we went back to our delicious snacks. We are so American. I love the Olympics.

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