Monday, March 2, 2009

Yay Snow Day!!

So I absolutely had no idea it was going to snow tons in Spartanburg this weekend. But it excites me. I love snow. Even though I'm 27 I still act like a 3rd grader. When school and work was canceled I jumped around and giggled (with my roommates).

We checked the window every few minutes with disappointment until about 6 pm. Around 8 pm we looked outside at the exact moment a huge tree beside my house fell into the power lines and made weird looking fireworks (it was awesome and sad at the same time b/c not having power put a huge damper in our Rock Band tournament....but how many times do you get the chance to see a tree destroy a transformer in person??!).

What do you do when there's a blizzard and you have no power? Walk to Waffle House, duh. The hilarious thing is that people in our neighborhood were locking their car doors as we walked by.....we'd see the lights flash and the locks go down. How funny is that? They thought we were vandals. I wanted to knock on their door and tell them that we were a worship band who just wanted some hash browns. Nothing to worry about.

We discussed over coffee and hot chocolate in the extreme warmth our options....get a free hotel room that was offered by Lewis White (nice guy), drive to my parents house, pay for our own hotel room (yeah right), or go home and light candles and let Willy read some ghost stories to us. Guess what we picked.

Billy Z (Blomby, Blundeul, William, Willy...all the same person) was halfway through his first story and the power came back on. Yay, party time!! It was awesome.

Anywho, we had a spend-the-night-party and slept really late. Then we (Ben, Blomby, Gene, and I) went to see mom at work, which was awesome. We looked dirty and ridiculous and we were being very loud. We got our picture taken by the Passport lady just for fun (a group picture, of course) then walked around pestering all the employees (I mean...who parties at the Post Office?? Me.)

When we came home we had planned on having a Chris Farley marathon, starting with Black Sheep, but that tree that had fallen was still in the road and 3 others had also fallen. My neighbor was out there cutting them up by himself (which is nooooooo fun) so I went to talk to him. I ended up helping him carry and drag everything into nice, orderly piles.

It was cool getting to know my neighbor a little better plus it was cool to do some good 'ol work. I wasn't born in Chesnee for nothing. Plus, I'm a 210 cube....I'm practically made for carrying logs. It was neato helping him (how horrible would your snow day be if you had to cut up and move 4 huge trees by yourself?'re supposed to be sledding and pestering people who have Government jobs - haha Mom....I guess you'll get the last laugh on Presidents Day or some other completely fake holiday that you get off).

Anyway, I love Snow Days. They feel fun. Everyone is off and relaxing and happy. PLUS, since this is Spartanburg everything will be closed tomorrow and probably Wednesday even though all the snow is gone and it will be 65 degrees and sunny....I love this town.

note - I did a snow angel in the middle of HWY 29 last night and it was awesome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Completely fake holidays?? The Post Office only observes highly regarded occasions as holidays. I suppose you would like to see institued Wii Day, Couch Potato Day (promoted to Couch Potato month) or Intellectual Day (otherwise known as Festivus). I'll party on any/all of those holidays if BillZ reads Carolina Ghost Stories in the dark. Actually no ghost stories required-he's scary enough in his own right. I always lock my car doors when he's around.