Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Living the Dream

Shag, Bill Z, Josh (sweaty), Pinkerton, Kenny

Yesterdays session with Kenny at Archer Street Studio.....by Josh Ridings

I had a good time yesterday in the studio. Kenny is a nice guy. He made us coffee. It was very good. He has blond hair and is smart. There is a pool here. I hope to go swimming.

Thats a paper I've been working on for a while.

Yesterday was really cool. Not only are we getting to record with THE Kenny McWilliams but we're also staying with my crazy awesome friends Robby and Andrew (plus their wives, toddlers, infants, great danes, and some candy bars). We sat down with Kenny in the morning for a couple hours and talked through all our songs, our expectations, the arrangements, hooks, etc....he has some great ideas that work perfectly with our ideas. I really think the Lord has put us with him for this project. Plus he wears super cool clothes and has tatoos (which means he's totally legit, duh).

We filled our stomachs with Chick Fil A then began tracking drums. Man, it is awesome. These songs are going to be hot. Kenny + Pinkerton = love/rock.

I cant decided what's more fun....recording with the best band in the world or hanging out with the coolest families in Columbia. They are totally going to Heaven for how nice they've been to us already...just read James, you'll agree. But for real - they pretty much just gave us keys to their houses, cooked us breakfast casseroles, made our beds for us....it's a little ridiculous. I love them. (plus Robby and Andrew are the 2 funniest humans on the planet).

Waking up this morning to a 4 and 2 year old suuuuuuuuper excited about seeing us was awesome. I love the Woodards and Eckstroms. Probably the coolest thing is praying with the band and Kenny. We know this record is way bigger than just 5 bozos recording some sounds. We've prayed together asking God to do what He wants through us for these songs. We know the next 3 weeks are a big deal....God is doing something cool and He's letting us be a part of it. Every word, very strum, every drum beat, every button pressed on the computer - it's all for the glory of Jesus Christ. We are worshiping the beauty of our Creator as we make this album.

We hope to knock out a lot of drums today then come back tonight and start tracking some bass. I love when a plan comes together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kenny looks like a q-tip