Tuesday, June 17, 2008

All Your Base Are Belong To Us

I recently watched a video on Youtube called All Your Base Belong To Us and I have to admit, it's pretty weird but I loved it. That is not a typo. It is from a Japanese video game that, in a rush to get it to America, was translated straight from Japanese, bad grammar and all. It is completely ridiculous. People who spend way too much time on the internet have made it a huge underground hit. That got me thinking about some other videos.

I spend too much time around weird people who show me weird videos on YouTube. But you know what, it's time everyone experiences the greatness of things like homestar, the grape lady, candy mountain, Charlie biting people, Afro ninja, and dramatic chipmunk, Leprechaun, and Whistle Tips. Oh yeah, let's not forget RickRolled. You will be able to detect your nerdom based on your like or dislike of these videos.

To be honest I now realize how old I am b/c I just heard of All Your Bass Are Belong To Us. It's been out for a year or more. Man! I am falling behind. Things like mortgages and babysitting are getting in the way of prime internet searching time. Back in the day I saw this stuff the day it came out. Are my friends getting more normal? Am I getting more normal??? I'm with Ben Folds on this one...it's stinks to grow up.

So, please enjoy these videos. If you haven't been to Homestarrunner before (shame on you) you need to spend 7-10 good hours watching the emails, toons, shorts, and what-not. Anything with Strong Sad or Homesar is perfect. The funny thing about these silly videos is they give you a secret language to like minded people. I talked to a waiter last week only in Strong Bad quotes. It was amazing.

Since I am now a geezer, will you please keep me informed by letting me know about the next underground hit. I want to be an early adopter again (a cool person would never use that phrase).

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