Lately Shag and I have been writing some songs together. We started writing joke songs for our friends who got married then we worked on some worship music together. Turns out we write pretty well together. And Willy is there to tell the jokes, get the ladies, and lay down a sick bass line. Anywho, we have a 4 song EP that will be finished this summer (I hope) but we have a problem: we have no name.
I am being completely serious when I ask for your help. I know y'all are creative. All the names we have thought of were either taken or we didn't love them so we need you to think of a band name for us.
The winner will get to spend a day in the life of Willy Tucker. Who knows the shenanigans you will get into (working in a potpourri lab, listening to old records, washing your hair with horse shampoo, eating oatmeal for every meal, owning over 300 movies, telling stories that go absolutely nowhere, not listening....ever, having huge dead spaces during phone calls - pretty much being the funniest human being to ever exist). It will be a thriller of a prize.
Please submit your entries here or email me at normalridings@gmail.com. Giddy up.
good life
Sing Out Loud
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