Anyway, this character was giving me the stink eye for a good 10 seconds. I kept pulling forward whilst giving him the crook eye. He's the one who's walking through my space AND last time I checked my '97 Tahoe is a little bigger than a middle aged 35 year old man wearing a carhart jacket. I can't believe he stared me down....he was the one who was wrong. He wasted his free monthly stink eye on that??
I bet he's one of those guys who goes around staring at weaker people making them feel as if THEY are wrong. What a meany. He learned today. Never stare at a man who just saved $191. You will lose.
Stink eyes cannot be used so liberally. They lose all meaning. If you're stink eyeing everyone you come in contact with, then you are no longer the mean and surly person who shouldn't be messed with, but the guy with the weird eye.
I actually had an experience similar to this... but a little different. My friends and I were out in Greenville, killing time at the mall before the free skate at the pavillion. So, we were walking into the mall, and one of the guys with us, who I didn't really know, was walking in the middle of the aisle thingie, where the cars have to drive to get to a parking spot, instead of on the side, where normal people walk. A car beeped at him, and he turned around and started yelling at them about how rude they were, and I was like, "Um... they're not rude. You're the one walking where they have to drive."
I kinda wanted the car to run over him. lol.
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