Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hello Internet

Let me tell you a little secret: when you wake up at 5:45 am to workout you are tired all the time. Always. I can take 6 naps a day and it doesn't matter. Still tired. Hence the no blogging. I have been asleep. Or pumping iron. (who says pumping iron)

Anywho, my clothes are starting to fit again (over the past 6 years i have just been going out and buying larger clothes) so thats good. I am just surprised I have made it 4 weeks.

On other breaking news Shag (guitar player) and I have been handing out press kits and it's been going grand. We maaaaaaaaaaaaay get to play at the Spring Fling in Spartanburg which would be neato. We have a show at the Channel in Greenville on May 1st and we'd love for you to come. Pretty much if no one shows up they'll never let us in the building again. So please come. We're going to debut 5 or 6 new songs. It should be hot. We're headlining that night but we may play first so all the toddlers can come (seriously).

If you know any church or organization that I could talk to or mail a press kit to, let me know. We're working on a new website, band photo, and Electronic press kit right now. It's been pretty fun. (i skipped the gym this morning which is why i am awake past 9:30 and feels like the good ol days).

Lastly, i am making a list of things I want to do in life and so far i have "spin the Price is Right wheel". That's pretty much the only thing I want to do before I die. Yes, I understand I'm setting the bar pretty high but I'm a dreamer.

We're praying about recording an album in Nashville this summer and I think we're gonna do it. If things work out, we'll have a rad album by the fall (thank you Eric Sparks for introducing me to an awesome producer). So we've got that going for us.

1 comment:

The Madden said...

Can't wait for the fall. Must release album now. How about a live album at least?